Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Name Jar by: Yangsook Choi

This book is about a little girl named Unhei whom is starting at a new school. On the way to school her first day, other children on the school bus laugh and make fun of her name because it is difficult to pronounce. When she enters her new classroom she decides to pick a new name (one that is easier to pronounce). I think that is really cute how other students in the class help Unhei by making a name jar. The other kids write down different names on a piece of paper and put it in the name jar. Unhei comes to terms with her name and realizes how much she loves it.
I really enjoyed this book and I think that the artwork/illustration went really well with the story. Without the illustrations I don't think the book would have had as much of an effect on the reader.

1 comment:

Ofelia Lawrence said...

This book was good because it talked about the importance of keeping one's name because of the beautiful meaning behind it. I would definitely share this book to my class.